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All are unique, numbered and signed by Rebecka.

 What are they made of?

 First I sculpted the raven's head in clay, then I made a silicone mold into which I cast the hangers. I mix in iron/brass powder in the plaster. In some cases also tattoo ink to give each hanger personality. When they are hardened, I rust them.

 Since there is iron or brass powder in the casting, it is excellent for rusting. The casting material is a form of stone plaster: Alpha plaster is a very hard and white plaster, also called stone plaster. It can be colored with pigments. It's a bit of an incredible material. You can cast a bowl as thin as 2mm and still lift the bowl up by holding the edge without anything happening. It is incredibly durable and very hard (compared to fine concrete which has around 37 MPA. this plaster has 55! MPA), hardens extremely fast, you can grind, drill, sculpt, make holes etc. But it's best to do so within the first 24 hours, after that the plaster is too hard to work with that way. It works for both indoor and outdoor use.

 A perfect hanger for the kitchen towel, the dog leash, or a nice painting.

Raven hangers

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